I am at Via Gelli Mill again this year, with Netty Reddish, and we welcome anyone to come and see our artworks, have a cuppa, maybe do a bit of hands-0n Chinese Brush painting with me, or craftwork with Netty. She is offering to engrave your own design onto a jigsaw, or even onto stone with her laser cutter. [Bring your own stone/slate.chopping board for that.] There will be bracelet-making, colouring in, things for all ages. I will be bringing my airbrush, so if I can set up a small booth, that will be available for tasters too.
Fri MAY 27th 6-9 pm Preview Evg.
Drinks, nibbles and an opportunity to buy before the wider public descend at the weekend.
Just let us know if you'd like to come so we can provide enough consumables. Ah yes, and there will be singing...Some of the Dale Divas will give us a bit of a chorus. The choir has won so many medals this year, some of them will be off on their own projects, but we have booked Diva Kate to serenade us, and if anyone wants to join in, they're welcome.
My work
I have concentrated on doing some more chipboard panels during the winter as they seemed to go down well last year. I very much enjoy doing them partly because it takes a long time to build up the layers of colour into the texture of the board and partly because these paintings evolve. Watching them take shape satisfies my curiosity.

I have a number of Chinese Brush Paintings on display, and have also started doing a series of monochrome 'Things' paintings in black ink on canvas.
Things Keep Piling Up, but they also go Round and Round. Indeed, some of them are Still Up in the Air.

There are a selection of pointillist pastels and some pastels inspired by Japanese artist, Hokusai.

And I have just started working with an airbrush in the last month - so one of two pictures to see from that.
As well as original paintings, I will also have prints and cards on sale.
And some painted stones.
Hopefully something for everyone.
Also at Via Gellia Mill are two other artists now, Clare Walton, from Kute Fine Art is exhibiting amazing pet portraits at Unit 309. http://www.kutefineart.com Ian Daisley Photographer for the Peaks is exhibiting at Unit 308. http://www.highstonegallery.co.uk/ Check out their websites. And you are also welcome to their Fri night previews. Clare from 4-8pm, and Ian 6-9pm